Inception of Online Shopping in India
The rise of e-commerce sector in India led to the development of many online shopping platforms (viz. Flipkart, Amazon India, Paytm, Snapdeal etc.) which provide a wide range of products range, for instance, electronic appliances, clothes, grocery products, sports equipment, and many others. Nowadays many other consumer durable companies and retail chains are also joining the e-commerce sector to tap the emerging e-shopping market. The online shopping industry of India has paved its way not only in metro cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai etc. but it also fast catching in the smaller cities as well. At present, the e-commerce market in India is growing at an annual retail e-commerce sales rate of 23.30 percent per year and currently, it is estimated at $32.7 billion.
Fruits and vegetables are basic dietary products of our daily food consumption. But not everyone has the facility of accessing the fresh and healthy dose of fruits and vegetables. To change this scenario there are many online fruits delivery platforms like BigBasket, Naturesmiracle, Grofers, and many others are formed to provide the fresh and quality dose of fruits and vegetables to your doorstep. One can buy a variety of fruits online at a reasonable cost from these delivery platforms. In Delhi NCR, some known online delivery platform which provides online vegetables or fruits are Jagsfesh, veggieindia, sabzi2home etc. Although these products required fast and seamless shipping. That’s why the seller has to ship them within a day or in a few hours. Proper packaging plays a significant role in maintaining the freshness of the fruits and vegetables; it also prevents them from exposure and intoxicants.
Whether it is fruit like pineapple, grape, orange or vegetable like lettuce, broccoli or rapini, the packaging standard is kept very specific and of high quality. Apart from saving your time and efforts, these online delivery platforms also provide you a great deals, offers, discount coupons, value packs time to time on their sites. At present India is in its developing stage and it is just the beginning of e-commerce in India. In coming years this industry will witness a high growth rate. It is predicted that 2019 will be another milestone year for the Indian e-commerce industry. The current push of e-transactions & availability of cheap internet data will give a fair chance to this Industry to widen its customer reach, economic growth and to generate a sustainable profit & revenue.
The next five years will be going to be one of the innovative years in the field of online shopping. It means the way we buy and sell any product or service is going to be changed in the coming years. Only those will succeed in the online grocery business that will tune up or upgrade themselves as per the demand and need of the market. Growing health issues due to the consumption of unhealthy and inorganically produce eatables is one of the major reasons why people nowadays are becoming more aware and concern about food intake. The market is a chief influencer in what goes in our mouths, those that put consumers first and offer it advantageously will help in defining the eventual fate of the industry.